
Think Health Insurance and a hundred questions pop up in your mind. First among them being, how much insurance cover do I need? While some feel capable enough to self-finance their healthcare treatment if and when need arises; others feel satisfied with their existing insurance cover.But what if the illness is way too critical and expenses tower beyond what you ever imagined or could a?ord? Considering the growing medical inflation, you sure don’t want that extra burden turning your world upside down. Which is why, at Care Health Insurance (CHI), we have designed – a high deductible health insurance for you and your family. With , you have that extra safety net of coverage which works on the principle of policy deductible. Simply choose your comfort level in terms of the deductible you can manage (either by self-financing or any other insurance) along with your desired Sum Insured and stay worry free when it comes to you and your family’s current and future healthcare needs.

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